Tuesday, March 11, 2025Register
Since November 2015, we manufacture and distribute top quality bakery and confectionary products. We have a passion for food and innovation with a focus on using local ingredients, especially local wheat, wherever possible. Our bakers’ expertise means we can consistently deliver you tasty, high quality products with a freshness component others find difficult to match.

Already operate three shops in Nicosia and our goal is the rapid spread throughout Cyprus.
Store locations:
No1.Ta Xefournismata Bakery
Address: 27, Kyriakou Matsi Ave., 1082 Agioi Omologites Nicosia Tel.22311113

No2.Kerlengou Bakery
Address: 53, Esperidon Str., Strovolos Nicosia Tel.22463382

No3.Kerlengou Bakery
Address:63B, Karavostasiou Str., 2324 Lakatamia Nicosia Tel.22731313


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